July,1971 |
The design division of Okamura Printing was spun off as OMC co.,Ltd. |
April,1975 |
Increased capitalization to ¥10
million |
April,1977 |
Began hiring new graduates |
December,1982 |
Installed a mainframe comuputer to comuputerize clerical, accouting, and other operations |
January,1985 |
Establishd the creative center, upgrading the creative divitions functions |
August,1985 |
Developed a long-term business plan, working with a management consulting firm
(Japan Management Systems, affiliated with the Industrial Bank of Japan) |
September,1986 |
Joined the Japan Adbertising Agencies Association |
August,1989 |
Work completed on the headquarters building, a smart building designed to meet the needs of the infomation age;also planned to upgrade digital production
capabilities |
July,1991 |
Opened the Osaka branch |
November,1991 |
Sponsored a concert of opera music at Orchard Hall to celebrate the company's 20th anniversary |
May,1995 |
With cooperation from Unisys Japan, installed a UNIX file server,mail server ,and image database server; set up networks inside and outside the company |
November,1999 |
Increased capitalization to ¥25
million |
August,2002 |
Entered into the business partnership with China EC Net Co.,LTD. in the semiconductor & electronic-parts fields |
September,2002 |
Entered into the business partnership with Euro RSCG Worldwide, Inc. (mega advertising agency in USA) in the ethical drugs field. |
January,2007 |
Increased capitalization to ¥53 million |